WHAT: The 13th annual celebration honouring the late Cayuco “Jonronero”, the original Homerun Kid
(note: 13 was Hemingway’s lucky number).
- For the 1st time, the entire Hemingway Look-alike Society will host the event
- Introduction of special guests
- Tribute to the Homerun Kid
- Reading of an original play by a host “Papa” from the Look-alike Society
- Presentation of diplomas to official Gigi All-Star team members
- Presentation of Hemingway holiday card containing a gift for each player
- Holiday cake, gifts and party
- Full guided tour of the Hemingway estate including house interior
WHEN: 2:00 PM, Saturday, December 7, 2024.
WHERE: Finca Vigia – Museo Hemingway, San Francisco de Paula, Cuba
WHO: All Hemingway aficionados and their families are invited to attend.
WHY: It’s for the children; it’s for Hemingway; it’s for you to remember the Homerun Kid and it’s for you to have a truly special time.
Do you really need any other reason?
HISTORY: In the 1940’s, the team was originally formed to provide an activity for Hemingway’s sons when they visited their father. It was named after Ernest’s youngest son Gregory, also known as Gig and Gigi (Guigui in Spanish). During this time, Hemingway provided uniforms, equipment and drove the kids anyplace they could arrange a game. At Christmas, the children were invited to Finca Vigia (Lookout Farm), the Hemingway estate, where Ernest would tell stories to the children and give each one a present.
Over a decade ago, The Director of Museo Hemingway and the late Oscar “Cayuco” – the Homerun Kid – Blas Fernandez, a surviving member of the original team, decided to revive the Gigi All-Stars. The Look-alike Society not only had the privilege of arranging uniforms and equipment for the team but they also revived the storytelling tradition along with the presentation of a gift to each child. One of the stories explained how the children stopped stealing mangos from the estate when they had a positive alternative – the great shared North American and Cuban pastime…baseball. The celebration has been so successful that it has continued as an annual event for over a dozen years.
As Patron of the Gigi All-Stars, the Hemingway Look-alike Society summons you and all Hemingway aficionados, to Cuba to celebrate over a decade of good deeds. I ask that you make this visit to honour the legacy of a great Nobel Laureate. I also ask that you make the visit for the love of baseball, for the love of children and for the love of our common humanity. I guarantee that you will love the game, you will love the children and, by the end of your visit, you will love the warm, friendly, generous people of Cuba. This year, let us give the Gigi All-Stars a real present – the banner of friendship from America, from Canada, from all around the world and from you.
- Pre-plan your Christmas holiday schedule. If you plan now, you can make the trip and not interfere with you own family holiday. You will also have the good will of having helped bring some joy to the village of San Francisco de Paula.
- U.S. attendees only: Note that the trip is legal again and that you can fly directly from the USA.
- Stay in contact for special travel information.
- Come to the game. No matter what your travel arrangements, the game and presentation ceremony are free.
- Bring a napkin. You can eat all the mangoes you want.
FINAL THOUGHT: These are a bunch of young, talented and deserving kids who need our support. Your free ticket is reserved. If you can’t use it, please tell someone who can.
The Hemingway Look-alike Society
c/o Papa Joe Maxey, jmax4506@gmail.com